Agra CMO Dr. Arun Srivastava stated on International Yoga Day (June 21, 2024), "Yoga is beneficial for TB patients."

Photo Source : C.m.o Agra

Posted On:Saturday, June 22, 2024

‘‘Yoga Beneficial for TB Patients’’

Special Feature on International Yoga Day (June 21, 2024)

Helps by clearing lungs, controlling diabetes, and providing mental peace

Agra, June 20, 2024. In addition to early detection and completing the full course of medication, regular yoga can expedite the recovery of TB patients. Yoga acts as a preventive therapy for TB patients. Incorporating yoga into their daily routine helps clear the lungs and provides mental peace. Furthermore, if a TB patient also suffers from diabetes, yoga helps control diabetes, thus accelerating the recovery process. This information was provided by Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr. Arun Kumar Srivastava.

The Chief Medical Officer mentioned that recognizing the universal significance of yoga, this year’s International Yoga Day theme is “Yoga for Self and Society.” On this day, activities will be organized at all Ayushman Arogya Mandirs to encourage people to practice yoga. TB patients can also benefit from learning yoga at these centers.

District Tuberculosis Officer Dr. Sukesh Gupta stated that under the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program, the TB Care Tool includes recommendations for physical activities and pranayama for patients. This conveys the message that meditation plays a crucial role in calming the mind, and reducing stress and anxiety. It can be done at any time during the day, in the morning and evening. Patients are advised to sit comfortably in a quiet place, inhale slowly through the nose, hold their breath for as long as possible, and then exhale slowly through the mouth, focusing on the breath during the process.

The District Tuberculosis Officer further informed that TB patients are advised to practice yoga and exercise along with their medication during consultations. Currently, there are 543 patients with Drug-Resistant TB (DR TB) and 11,345 patients with Drug-Sensitive TB (DS TB) undergoing treatment in the district. All these patients should regularly take their medication along with practicing yoga and exercise.

Yoga is Useful in Many Ways

Yoga instructor Dr. Rajkumar Sharma stated that TB patients with diabetes and those who consume drugs have a lower likelihood of quick recovery. Yoga is effective in managing both conditions. Regular yoga practice helps control diabetes and aids in quitting substance abuse. TB patients can practice Surya Namaskar, Pawanmuktasana, Setubandhasana, Uttanpadasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Bakrasana, Paschimottanasana, Tadasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Vrikshasana, Bhramari Pranayama for 5 minutes, Nadi Shodhan Pranayama for 10 minutes, Kapalbhati for 5 minutes, and Om chanting for 5 minutes to strengthen their lungs and control other TB factors for a faster recovery. Practicing Bhastrika Pranayama for 2-5 minutes and Kapalbhati Pranayama for 5-15 minutes daily has been found highly beneficial for TB patients.

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