Rahul Choudhary, a resident of Agra, is representing India in Russia. People from Agra have extended their best wishes to Rahul Choudhary.

Photo Source : From bjp

Posted On:Saturday, June 8, 2024

Rahul Chaudhary, a resident of Agra, is representing India in Russia. He has been given the opportunity to represent India in a major economic group related to Russia's economic sector. The Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum is being organized by one of Russia's largest economic groups, under the guidance of President Putin. Discussions revolve around how Russia can engage in trade with partner countries worldwide and collaborate in addressing modern challenges. This initiative aims to lay the foundation for strong relationships between businesses and mutual countries, fostering the leadership of the new generation to maintain robust ties in commerce and mutual interests. This "New Generation Program," initiated under President Putin's leadership, has invited Rahul Chaudhary to represent India in Russia. He has highlighted significant economic efforts made in India over the past decade and emphasized the need for collaborative efforts towards sustainable development goals globally. He stressed that technological advancements and financial support are essential for startups to thrive, advocating for easier access to technology and knowledge for young entrepreneurs worldwide.

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