Agra, June 29. The GRP and RPF (Railway Protection Force) teams were left astounded on Saturday when they found cash amounting to Rs 1.5 crore during a routine check. This cash was being transported from Agra's Sarafa Bazaar to New Delhi by train. The bags containing the cash were taken to the GRP Agra Cantt police station, and officials from the Income Tax Department were also called to the scene. Both the police and the Income Tax Department are currently investigating the matter.
It was reported that on Saturday morning, during a check at the Raja Mandi railway station, GRP and RPF apprehended two suspicious individuals carrying two bags. Upon opening the bags, they found bundles of cash inside. The individuals could not provide satisfactory answers regarding the cash. The GRP informed the police and the Income Tax Department about the incident. The two suspects, along with the bags of cash, were brought to the GRP Cantt police station, where the cash was counted in the presence of officials. The total amount was found to be approximately Rs 1.51 crore.
During interrogation by the Income Tax Department and police officials, the suspects revealed that they had collected the cash from the Namak Mandi in Agra and were on their way to deliver it in New Delhi. However, they could not specify to whom the cash was to be delivered in Delhi. Upon hearing about the incident, a businessman from Firozabad arrived at the GRP station and admitted that the apprehended individuals were his men. He claimed that the cash was obtained from the sale of gold in Agra and was to be delivered to someone in Delhi.
The police and Income Tax officials are trying to get to the bottom of the case. They are verifying the businessman's statement and trying to determine the recipient and purpose of the cash in Delhi. Currently, the entire amount is in police custody. The Income Tax Department has requested a warrant from their Kanpur office to proceed with further action. They will investigate whether the businessman's claims are true, the source of the gold or cash, and whether any taxes were paid on it. Based on the findings, penalties and other legal actions will be taken.