The General Manager of North Central Railway inspected the development works of Idgah Station, Agra Fort Station, and Bhuteshwar Station, including Mathura Junction Station, selected as Amrit Bharat Stations, under Agra Division."

Photo Source : From railway

Posted On:Saturday, August 10, 2024

"General Manager of North Central Railway, Shri Upendra Chand Joshi, conducted a thorough inspection of Idgah Station, Agra Fort Station, and Bhuteshwar Station, including Mathura Junction Station, selected as Amrit Bharat Stations, under Agra Division on 10.08.2024. He also conducted a window trailing inspection from Agra Cantt to Jamuna Bridge Station and Agra Cantt to Mathura-Palwal Station with Divisional Railway Manager Shri Tej Prakash Agrawal.

During the inspection, the General Manager inspected the site of Idgah Railway Station and reviewed the model of its future development. He took a detailed stock of the ongoing development works at Idgah Station under the Amrit Bharat Station scheme and inspected the passenger waiting room, joint crew lobby, and entrance gates on both sides. He instructed to improve the cleanliness of the station.

The General Manager also held a detailed discussion with the officials present on the station's parking, ongoing redevelopment works, and future facilities. He interacted with the staff working at the station, assessed their knowledge, and listened to their problems, giving necessary directions to resolve them.

After inspecting Idgah Station, the General Manager reached Agra Fort Station and conducted a thorough inspection of the railway station. He inspected the circulating area, station building, and passenger facilities. He also reviewed the station's layout plan and discussed train operations with the officials present.

The General Manager emphasized providing passenger facilities and constructing a second entrance gate at Agra Fort Railway Station. He inspected the doubling of the Agra Fort-Jamuna Bridge line and reviewed the progress of the work with the officials.

Later, he inspected Mathura Junction Station and inspected the passenger waiting room, circulating area, foot overbridge (FOB), facade, station cleanliness, available passenger facilities, and first, second, and third entrance gates, route relay interlocking, etc. He gave necessary directions to the officials.

The General Manager also addressed the media representatives at Mathura Station. He then conducted a detailed inspection of the redevelopment works at Bhuteshwar Railway Station and inspected the available passenger facilities.

During the inspection, General Manager Upendra Chand Joshi was accompanied by Divisional Railway Manager Shri Tej Prakash Agrawal and other departmental officials, inspectors, and supervisors."

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